Absolutely No Chemicals
We constructed this entire building to be used as a professional photography studio. This is the first indoor chemical-free underwater photography studio in the world! A 3 metre deep pool with 2 large viewing windows that need to withstand pressure from the pool water, right next to the sea with tidal water levels
For our client, the world-renowned Photographer Jose Gay Cano, clarity of water, low maintenance, and specifically no chemicals were the deciding factors for him to select a Living Pool. A Living Pool provides the luxury of a comfortable, controlled environment. From the temperature to the lighting, safety and most importantly absolute clarity of the water. He no longer has to wrestle with hazardous elements – rough seas, freezing temperatures, poor visibility or peckish predators. Nor does he have to battle harsh chlorine, salt or other toxic chemicals.
A five-hour shoot in a Living Pool with absolutely no chemicals in the water is infinitely more comfortable for the model and photographer. It means no more burning red eyes, irritated skin or nostrils stripped raw from chlorine. The water in Jose’s pool is pure, self-regulating, a consistent temperature, silky smooth and crystal clear – in fact, entirely drinkable – all year round with almost no maintenance.
On this project Jose and our team encountered never-before-seen technical issues (such as how do you transmit a wireless signal from the camera underwater to activate the flash on land?), along with many other challenges that were successfully solved to produce a spectacular studio for Jose and his underwater models.
We are very proud of the results.
You can see some of his amazing work below that he did, including a video for a popular Nelson Band.
You cannot imagine how difficult it is to model underwater (I know, I’ve tried!).